ENGAGE Conference

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them.”

Matthew 18:20

To have been blessed with the call to lead a ministry for such a special group of people as those with special needs is incredible in and of itself, but to have the opportunity to join in one accord for a day of worship and encouragement with those who share your vision is something extraordinary.  This weekends Engage Conference hosted by 99 Balloons (http://www.99balloons.org/) was no exception.  The Donald W. Reynolds Boys and Girls Club in Fayetteville, Arkansas played host to over 100 ministry leaders from every walk of life and denomination, and from Canada to California, as we joined together in one accord to coordinate our “Battle Plan” on our quest, as Harmony Hensley so eloquently noted, for “Total World Domination”.  And be on the lookout, because we are on the mission!

The work of a ministry leader can, at times, become overwhelming.  As the list of dreams for what a ministry can become becomes greater and greater the stress this puts not only on that leader, but the staff, and their families is often great.  The weight of the world can feel like you can’t even lift your head; but experiences such as the Engage Conference allow for a time of respite and rejuvenation and to say that my wheels are now back to churning full speed in an understatement!  I have a list a mile long of not only additions, but a few subtractions, as well as ways we can work within our team to make every aspect of the Special Gifts Ministry the most amazing program we can provide for our special needs families as we seek to give them all the opportunities they deserve!  To make our friends of all ages more vibrant and inclusive within not only our church community but of our community as a whole.  To expand our reach as missionaries at home into the places that have not yet heard our voices, our story, and know that we love them…no matter what.  Our mission refreshed is to expand our web and continue to encourage, advocate, and usher in life outside the stigma and separation.  And it is a beautiful thing!

After all, we serve a risen savior who came for all of us.  He didn’t look at us through the lenses that the world uses, he died for each of us.  He loved us before we were even imagined, he knit us together in our mothers womb in HIS IMAGE.  Each of us flawed, beautiful and special in our own unique way.  These differences are our strengths and what make me, me; and you, you.  I pray we learn to look at each other through the lens of Jesus, and “Love one another, as I have first loved you”.

Many thanks to Matt Mooney and his folks at 99 Balloons for giving such a fantastic weekend of rest and enlightenment.  We were all blessed by your mission.  An additional thanks to the speakers who traveled from far and wide to share their stories with us; Jeff McNair and Harmony Hensley I was inspired by you as always.  Thank you so much for sharing your lives and your ministry with us!

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